Beethoven's Maturation

Franz Gerhard Wegeler, Beethoven's Bonn Friend (Left)
Elector Maximilian Franz (of Bonn), Beethoven's Bonn
employer and patron (Right).

Beginning in the summer of 1781 on, when young Beethoven was almost eleven years old, Christian Gottlob Neefe, the Bonn Court Organist, took over his training on the piano and on the organ.

A woman named Frau von Breuning was looking for a piano teacher for two of her children. Ludwig's friend Franz Gerhard Wegeler introduced him to the woman. Beethoven earned some money to help his family, but also became good friends with the von Breuning children. Frau von Breuning's brother-in-law was in charge of tutoring the children, espeacially in literature. Young Ludwig also read these books.

During 1784-1787 theater sessions, Maximilian Franz, Empress Maria Theresia's son, brought different opea companies to Bonn. This is where Beethoven saw and heard the works of Gluck and Mozart.

In early april, 1787 Beethoven visited Vienna. Sources think that he may have performed for mazart the and even gotten a few lessons. When he returned home he was just in time to see his mother die of tuberculosis in July, 1787.
